Club Bylawas

Constitution and Bylaws


NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Potters and Sculptors Club, a non-profit organization.


PURPOSE: It is the purpose of the Potters and Sculptors Club (1) to manage the Ceramics Studio in accordance with the authority of the Golden Rain Foundation, the Recreation Division and the Clubhouse IV staff; (2) to encourage creativity and fine craftsmanship in the ceramic and sculptural arts; (3) to establish and maintain a pleasant working environment; (4) to foster the exchange of ideas and information; and (5) to promote the appreciation of ceramic and sculptural arts.


PROGRAM: The program of the Potters and Sculptors Club is (1) to recruit and maintain a roster of Volunteer Supervisors; (2) to help keep the studio in good working order; (3) to make available necessary materials and supplies; (4) to prepare and update manuals of procedures for all persons using the studio; (5) to arrange demonstrations and workshops of methods and techniques; (6) to schedule and arrange displays and exhibits; and (7) to arrange various social events for the membership.


MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open only to residents of Laguna Woods Village, Laguna Woods, who share the purposes of this organization. A member in good standing is one who is current in dues payments.


1 A. The Potters and Sculptors Club shall be governed, consistent with the will of the majority of the membership, by an Executive Board of thirteen members, made up of eight officers, four directors, and the immediate past president.
1 B. Whenever it happens that a directorship reserved for the immediate past president cannot be filled by that person, a director shall be elected for one year, selected from previous officers or members of long standing with experience in the administration of the Club.
2. The eight officers shall be President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Equipment and Purchasing Officer. Each shall be elected for a period of one year and shall not be eligible for successive reelection to the same office more than once, except in the case of the Equipment and Purchasing Officer, whose responsibilities require technical expertise.
3. Two Directors shall be elected annually, each for a term of one year. They shall not be eligible for successive reelection as a Director.
4. The officers shall perform the duties commonly assigned to their office, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. Precise authority not adequately defined in a general understanding of responsibilities shall be covered by specific acts of the Executive Board.
5. A vacancy in any office of the Executive Board, other than that of President, shall be filled by the President with the approval of the Executive Board and a quorum of the membership.
6. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be six. A quorum at a membership meeting shall be 30.
7. A nominating committee of not less than three members other than those on the Board shall be selected by the Executive Board at its September meeting each year, and the names of the nominating committee will be posted in the Ceramic Studio in September. The President shall designate a chairman and the committee shall be instructed to prepare a slate required by the above paragraphs for presentation to the October membership meeting for election at the November general meeting.
8. At the time of election other nominations may be made from the floor, provided the nominee has previously given approval and assurance of acceptance if elected to the office.
9. Officers and directors shall be installed at the December meeting and take office on January 1.


Not less than five membership meetings per annum shall be scheduled as to time and place by the President with the approval of the Executive Board (which includes demonstrations or cleanup sessions). A November meeting shall be required, at which time the election of officers shall be held. Not less than ten days’ notice posted in the Ceramic Studio shall be given to the members before each meeting with adequate presentation of the agenda so far as practical.
2. The President shall call a membership meeting within thirty days if formally petitioned to do so by not less than twenty-five percent of the members. The subject for the meeting shall be publicized not less than ten days prior to the meeting.
3. The Executive Board shall meet monthly at the call of the President. Any club member wishing to present a special issue to the Board shall notify the President prior to the meeting so that it can be included on the agenda. A special meeting shall be called if formally requested by four members of the Executive Board.
4. All Executive Board meetings are open to members in good standing. Under certain circumstances, such as during discussions of sensitive personnel matters, the President may declare a meeting closed to all but Board members for the period when the confidential matter is being discussed. During regular Board meetings, the President shall allow guests to speak after committee reports and after new business portions of the meeting. The President may use his/her discretion in allowing guests to speak at other times.


STANDING COMMITTEES: Chairpersons for the following standing committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board: (1) Display, (2) Hospitality, (3) Library, (4) Membership, (5) Program, (6) Publicity, (7) Studio Supervisors, (8) Holiday Party, (9) Glazes, and (10) Newsletter. The duties of the committees shall be defined by the Executive Board. The Chairpersons shall work closely with the President and report as needed to the Executive Board on the activities of their committees.


1. The annual studio lab fees and dues shall be set by the Executive Board.

2. Members whose dues are in arrears as of February 1 shall forfeit all membership privileges. A member not in good standing because of non-payment of dues may be reinstated by the payment of all delinquent dues.


AUDIT: Each year the President shall appoint, not later than December, at least two persons to act as a committee to audit the books of the Club and report their findings to the Executive Board.


DISSOLUTION: In the event of dissolution of this organization, after payment of all claims upon its treasury, all unencumbered funds shall be turned over to a scholarship committee of an appropriate nonprofit, educational institution in Orange County for the express purpose of encouraging the study of ceramic and/or sculptural art.


1. Any member in good standing may propose an amendment provided it is made in writing, signed by the member and referred to the Executive Board for consideration and approval.
2. Upon approval by the Executive Board the amendment shall be presented at the next membership meeting and voted thereon at the next subsequent meeting, which shall not be sooner than one week. Approval of the amendments must be by not less than two-thirds majority of the members present and voting.


PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The latest edition of Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern in all matters not covered by the above Constitution and Bylaws.
(Bylaws Revision as of November 2002)